4 Christmas Baking Faves

Tis the season to start baking, fa la la la....seriously gals, who else is ready for a festive baking sesh?

With today being the 1st December, we thought it was about time we started prepping our Christmas baking to do list. Of course we stuck to our 4 fave sweet treats, but with a festive twist, these treats go from basic...to magical!


1. Snowflake Macaroons

Whether you go for totally lazy girl baking and buy macaroons OR go all out and make these from scratch, we're totally on board with these pretty snowflakes macaroons. So cute, so delicate and perfect for a fancy Christmas dinner party desert.

Of course if you decide to make the macaroons, following a basic macaroon recipe is perfect - plus you can make the flavours personal depending on what you like best. BUT, either way, these treats are all about the decoration.

Putting a thin pointed piping nozzle on the end of your icing bag, delicately squeeze a small dot onto the centre of your macaroon (this gives you the perfect starting point for the snowflake). Then, gently continue to pipe thin lines and branches to create your desired snowflake. Leave to set a room temperature.....and voila!


2. Sassy Christmas Tree Cupcakes

This wouldn't be a CL blog post without mentioning something pink and sassy now would it!

And with the festive season in full swing, we thought these pink Christmas tree cupcakes were perfect...Whether your having a night in with the gals or simply giving the gift of food (YAS), these cupcakes are a MUST this season.

Depending on your desired flavour, following a simple cupcake recipe is ideal, (just remember, if you adding fruits, there will be extra liquid). Once your mixture is thoroughly mixed, add in your pink food colouring. Once you've reached your perfect shade of pink, evenly distribute the mixture into your cupcake cases. Cook, and leave to cool.

Once your cupcakes are totally cool, (no picking at them), fill your piping bag with a thick, pink butter cream and generously pipe onto your cake. Then, before it completely sets, cover in sprinkles, jelly Christmas trees and all the edible glitter! Of course you can go for any festive decoration, but we're totally on board with mini trees!


3. The Little Blog Of Vegan Doughnuts

If you gals have been following CL for a while, then you'll know how much we adore our Queen @thelittleblogofvegan and her incredible bakes! And, with a Insta currently filled with all the Christmas baking inspo, we couldn't resist giving a huge shoutout to our current fave...Vegan Deer Doughnuts.

Not only are they mind blowingly adorable, but with Holly assuring us they are easy to make, we're taking our gals word and we're going to give them a go!

To check out the recipe, click here


4. Gingerbread Cookies

It's not Christmas until you've had a gingerbread biscuit right?

Love them or hate them huns, gingerbread is a MUST this Christmas and these gingerbread stars are simply too adorable to ignore!

Again, following a simple and basic recipe is the best way to achieve the perfect gingerbread - don't spend time adding crazy flavours, this bake is all about those festive ingredients.

Once your gingerbread is baked and rolled out, simply grab your star cookie cutter and press down. Gently sliding onto a baking tray, bake, and then leave to cool thoroughly. Once your stars have cooled, gently cover in white icing. Of course you can go for any colour or add extra decoration, but we're loving the simplicity of these cookies!


Written By Lizzie Robinson